Out of the Darkness Campus Walk: 2024
Please join Concern Hotline at Shenandoah University to support the Out of the Darkness Walk!
The Out of the Darkness Shenandoah University Campus Walk is an important event that brings together individuals to raise awareness about suicide prevention and mental health. Here are the details for the upcoming walk:
Walk date: April 20, 2024
Walk Location: Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA
Onsite Registration Time: 9:00 AM
Walk Program Starts: 10:00 AM
The Out of the Darkness Campus Walks are organized by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). These walks serve as a powerful platform for youth and young adults to actively engage in the fight against suicide, which remains a leading cause of death throughout the United States. Between 2021-2023 suicide among Virgina youth aged 9-18 increased 68%, 39% between the ages of 19-25.
Concern Hotline would like to see each and every one of you at the walk! Support your community today. And remember, our Listeners are available 24/7-365. Call us, we care.